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Servant Schedule & Sermon Topics for October 2023

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May God fill you will his New goodness every day and

may the love of Jesus overflow from you to others throughout the year!


In case of a pastoral emergency,

please contact Pastor Lisa Borrell at 610-838-0731 or email



Greetings! Please consider volunteering to make our Worship Service safe and a success. We need you. We have several openings for volunteers. If you know someone who would love to help, and they do not have internet, feel free to give them my contact information. Robin (610-349-2586). Please help!

To Be Determined: Please use the sign-up sheets in the Narthex for volunteer opportunities, i.e., Acolytes, Pastor Assistants (Council Members), Assistant Ministers, Chalisters, Lectors, and Ushers. Thank you.


Sunday, October 1, 2023

Altar Guild: Janis Hadley & Tina McCardle

Assistant to Pastor: Caroline Skuba

Coffee/Fellowship Hour: LeeAnn Malesky & Barbara Young

Lector: Caroline Skuba

Sunday School Leader: Sarah Parente

Technology: Brady Skuba

Usher(s): Joyce Leith

Sunday, October 1, 2023 ~ Worship Service at 10:00 a.m. ~

18th Sunday of Pentecost ~ Jesus’ parable about two sons who don’t do what they say reveals surprises in the reign of God. In the reading from Ezekiel the people claim the ways of the Lord are unfair, while God offers repentance and new life. Paul urges us to look to Christ as a model of humility, putting the interests of others above our own. Nourished by the broken bread and shared cup, we offer our lives for the sake of our needy world.


Servants for Saturday, October 7, 2023


Servants for Sunday, October 8, 2023

Altar Guild: Sharon Bender & Tina Young

Assistant to Pastor: Terry Ravier

Coffee/Fellowship Hour: Gina Grekula and Terry & Carol Knauss

Lector: Marianne Zellner

Sunday School Leader: Sarah Parente

Technology: Angie Fulmer/Bill Young

Usher(s): Sarah & Iggy Parente

Saturday, October 7, 2023 ~ Worship Service at 4:30 p.m. AND

Sunday, October 8, 2023 ~ Worship Service at 10:00 a.m. ~

19th Sunday of Pentecost ~ In today’s gospel reading, Jesus tells a vineyard parable, which serves as an image of Israel, the prophets’ mission, and Christ’s death. For Christians, the vineyard also speaks of God’s love poured out in the blood of Christ, given to us for the forgiveness of sin. Grafted onto Christ the vine at baptism, we are nourished with wine and bread so that we may share Christ’s sufferings and know the power of his resurrection.


Servants for Sunday, October 15, 2023

Altar Guild: Sarah Acker & Kathy Shermetta

Assistant to Pastor: Sarah Parente

Coffee/Fellowship Hour: Barb Brader & Phyllis Reiss

Lector: Sarah Parente

Sunday School Leader: TBA

Technology: Brady Skuba

Usher(s): Ron Muschlitz & Iggy Parente

Sunday, October 15, 2023 ~ Worship Service at 10:00 a.m. ~

20th Sunday of Pentecost ~ In Isaiah, we are given a vision of the great feast to come, when God will wipe away death forever. In Jesus’ parable about a great banquet, those invited do not come, so the invitation is extended to others. In our liturgy God spreads a table before us. Even amid anxiety and hardship we rejoice in the peace of God which surpasses all understanding. With great joy we feast at the table of the Lord, and we go forth to share the wonderful invitation with others hungering and thirsting for the abundant life of God.


Servants for Sunday, October 22, 2023

Altar Guild: Sarah Parente & Barbara Young

Assistant to Pastor: Jesse Hart

Coffee/Fellowship Hour: Angie Fulmer, Jayne Schrantz, Kevin & Deb Schrantz

Lector: Bill Young

Sunday School Leader: NO Sunday School

Technology: Angie Fulmer/Bill Young

Usher(s): TBA

Sunday, October 22, 2023 ~ Worship Service at 10:00 a.m. ~

21st Sunday of Pentecost ~ In today’s first reading, God uses the Gentile ruler Cyrus to accomplish divine purposes. When the Pharisees try to trap Jesus, he tells them to give the emperor what belongs to him and to God what belongs to God. To gather for worship reminds us that our ultimate allegiance is to God rather than to any earthly authority. Created in the image of God, we offer our entire selves in the service of God and for the sake of the world.


Servants for Sunday, October 29, 2023

Altar Guild: Janis Hadley & Tina McCardle

Assistant to Pastor: Joanne Robbins

Coffee/Fellowship Hour: Pat Leith & Tina Young

Lector: TBA

Sunday School Leader: Sarah Parente

Technology: Angie Fulmer/Bill Young

Usher(s): Sharon Bender & Jeff Rieger

Sunday, October 29, 2023 ~ Worship Service at 10:00 a.m. ~ Reformation Sunday ~ Rooted in the past and growing into the future, the church must always be reformed in order to live out the love of Christ in an ever-changing world. We celebrate the good news, that Jesus Christ sets us free every day to do this life-transforming work. Trusting in the freedom given to us in baptism, we pray for the church, that Christians will unite more fully in worship and mission.

Worshippers are invited to wear RED on this day of celebration!


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​​May the beauty of God be reflected in your eyes, the love of God be

reflected in your hands, the wisdom of God be reflected in your words,

and the knowledge of God flow from your heart,

that all might see, and seeing, believe.

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Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present,

nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.

God, the creator, Jesus, the Christ, and the Holy Spirit, the comforter,

bless you and keep you in eternal love.

The members of New Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church wish you a blessed day and we pray that your day is filled with hope, love, peace, and good health!

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