Ideas for Ministry: If God is calling you to work and serve in a new way, and we can help please let us know!
“The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel”
The purpose of the Altar Guild is to prepare the church sanctuary for our worship services. This includes hanging banners and paraments around the sanctuary, setting out what is needed for communion and baptisms, and anything else needed to make our worship experiences run smoothly.
The purpose of the Christian Education ministry is to develop, provide, and promote programs that facilitate spiritual growth and discipleship through Biblical teaching and learning.
The purpose of the Communications Committee is to design and prepare material used to communicate the church’s ministry to existing members, prospective members, and the surrounding community.
Congregational Care and Outreach organizes events and initiatives that have a focus of caring for members of our own community, our neighbors, and the world.
The purpose the Fellowship Committee is to promote a Christian and friendly spirit among current members, friends, and the surrounding community through Coffee Hour after worship and various groups that meet in our building.
The purpose of the Finance Committee is to prepare, present, and maintain a budget for the church that reflects all income and expenses for operation and support of all programs, committees, offices and missions.
The Food Bank Committee is charged with running and caring for the New Jerusalem Food Bank which serves the Saucon Valley School District, which is made possible with the support of organizations (like Second Harvest), local churches, and the work of individuals who want to help feed those who are hungry.
Mutual Ministry is the group whose focus is to help mediate conflicts, provide support to the pastor and people of the congregation, and conduct yearly reviews of the staff.
The purpose of the Preschool Committee is to oversee the workings of the Preschool and to help make decisions on behalf of the Preschool and the Church Council.
The purpose of the Property Committee is to assist the church in the inspection, maintenance, and supervision of all church equipment and properties.
The purpose of Worship and Music is to collaborate with the Music Director and the Pastor in the planning of the liturgical and musical components of our worship services.
Throughout the year there are different Bible Studies going on. All are invited to join us in reflecting on God’s Word and considering how the messages we experience in the text may impact or empower the way we live our lives.
The Cards group meets on a weekly basis to play Pinochle, enjoy food and drink, and have fun together!
The purpose of the Choir is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through song and other musical experiences along with leading the congregation in worship.
The purpose of the Prayer Shawl Ministry is to produce and promote the healing power of prayer through knitted and crocheted prayer shawls which are available to be given to persons in need of comfort.
The Primetimers Group is for folks 55 and over and meets on the first Tuesday of the month for food and fellowship!