May God fill you will his New goodness every day and
may the love of Jesus overflow from you to others throughout the year!
In case of a pastoral emergency, please contact Pastor Lisa Borrell
at 610-838-0731 or or email MizLKB@aol.com.
We are all anxious to get back to our normal day to day activities. Due to the recent closings and cancellations, schedules of meetings and gatherings are tentative and are reliant on the status of social distancing requirements. Please continue to pray for those on the front line, putting themselves at risk every day, as well as those who have been affected by health issues. Continue to be safe, taking precautions seriously to prevent contracting and spreading the virus.
Hope to see you there!
Peace be with you.
That’s right, we are going to use our parking lot as our sanctuary. Council is trying to make this transition as seamless, safe and successful as possible! If you do not feel comfortable attending, feel free to continue to watch Pastor Lisa’s sermons on line.
For those that are ready this will fill your needs; and those that might still be uncomfortable being around others, this might be a way of getting your feet wet before jumping into the pool.
We have made some slight changes, but it will not affect the impact of worship. These changes are to help keep everyone safe from COVID-19. These changes are: remain in car, no choir, less songs, no sharing of peace, offering at end of service, and communion will be done by prepackaged containers. There will be NO access to restrooms before, during or after service.
(See more information and guidelines
in the 'Church Council Connection' section below)
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27 (NIV)
I'm Proud To Be An American
Sung by Lee Greenwood, Home Free and The Singing Sergeants
+ + + + + + +
Let There Be Peace On Earth Sung by The Young People's Chorus of New York City
CANCELLED All activities at New Jerusalem Church
until further notice.
We are asking everyone to refrain from entering the building unless absolutely necessary (secretary, church maintenance,
cleaning staff, etc.) as the building has been sanitized.
Cancelling these services will affect us financially—so we encourage you to mail in your offering or use www.newjerlc.org/online-giving. The church continues to have expenses even when we are not worshiping under one roof. God bless
+ + + + + + +
New Jerusalem members are invited to worship on Sunday morning for online services with:
Pastor Lisa Borrell invites all those who use social media to “like” Friedens Evangelical Lutheran Church’s Facebook page or visit their website at www.friedenscentervalley.com to watch her online Sunday worship service at
8:30 a.m.
If you would like to follow along with a bulletin, please use the following link friedenscentervalley.com/newsletters-%2F-bulletins and look for the date under Bulletins.
Pastor Daniel Eisenberg–St. John's Lutheran Church in Mayfair, PA welcomes you at 10:00 a.m. at facebook.com/stjohns-mayfair or www.stjohnsmayfair.org (click on the light blue bar in the middle of the page). Daily Morning Prayers are also available. You may remember Pastor Dan from his youth group days at NJ.
+ + +
Thank you Pastor Lisa and Pastor Dan for inviting us to join your worship services.
A message from Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton on COVID-19:
Grace and peace to you from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Dearest members of New Jerusalem ~
What an exciting two weeks this has been! It has filled my heart to finally be on board with you and to get started in our ministry together. Chris and I feel extremely blessed and grateful for the wonderful welcome we have received and would like to thank you all for the fun Ice Cream Social that was held on September 19th (hmm, how did we both end up winning the candy counting contest??). No, it wasn’t rigged! I’m crediting my sweet tooth for that triumph,
for the festive balloons, mum plant, coffee (for Chris), and well wishes on September 20th, for the painting of my office giving it a fresh, bright look (thank you, Jere!), and for the many affirmations as we begin our journey and partnership as Pastor and congregation. As I have stated previously, I do feel that we are starting at an advantage because of our former history. You already hold a special place in my heart.
While I am becoming more acclimated to the congregation, committees, and goings on here at NJ, I necessarily will be reliant upon you to share important information and communications with me. I view us as a team working together to promote the Good News of God’s kingdom here in our little corner of the world known as Apples Church. In that same vein, I am kindly asking that if you, as an individual, couple, or family have had any address, email, or telephone changes since the last directory was printed to please provide that updated information to the church office as soon as you are able. We want to have the most accurate information as possible so that we are able to keep in touch with all of our members in a timely fashion and everyone has access to what is happening in and around the church. I thank you in advance for your help in this matter.
While many are asking what is going to happen in future weeks and months regarding worship, Cross Fit, Confirmation, outside groups that meet, etc., the only clear-cut answer I can give you right now is that the Congregational Council and I are engaging in conversation to proceed in ways that best ensure the safety and health of all. This is a work in progress as not one of us has ever dealt with the complexities of a pandemic before. So thank you for your patience as we actively make plans for our future time together. In the meantime, know that I look to forward to the time when we can gather in person and resume more activities which bring us closer, not only to our God, but to one another.
Blessings and peace be with you,
The Rev. Lisa K. Borrell–Pastor
New Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church
610-838-0731 newjerelc@gmail.com
Greetings from your New Jerusalem “Apples” Church Council
Join us for our NJELC Outside/Parking Lot Sunday Worship Services
on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m.
(Rain or Shine—More information below)
+ + +
Meetings and Activities are CANCELLED until further notice.
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ZOOM—Church Council Members in Action
Please remember that even though we are not worshiping together,
we are together in spirit.
Outside worship services began on Sunday, June 14, 2020. That’s right, we are going to use our parking lot as our sanctuary. Council is trying to make this transition as seamless, safe, and successful as possible! If you do not feel comfortable attending, feel free to continue to watch Pastor Lisa’s sermons online at https://friedenscentervalley.com/online-church-services.
For those that are ready this will fill your needs; and those that might still be uncomfortable being around others, this might be a way of getting your feet wet before jumping into the pool.
We have made some slight changes, but it will not affect the impact of worship. These changes are to help keep everyone safe from COVID-19. These changes are: remain in car, no choir, less songs, no sharing of peace, offering at end of service, and communion will be done by prepackaged containers. There will be NO access to restrooms before, during, or after service.
You are probably wondering how this is going to work:
An individual will greet you in the driveway and will hand you a bulletin and communion containers. The bulletins will be printed with everything you need. Please let the individual know how many communion containers will be needed for your passengers. The communion containers are ordered prepackaged and, unfortunately, they do not offer gluten free wafers or wine. There is only one option for communion (wafer and grape juice). Feel free to bring your own “bread” to be used during communion. At the appropriate time you will tear off the first layer which will have your wafer. Then the second layer will have grape juice.
After receiving these items, follow the direction of the parking attendants, and park your vehicle. We will be adhering to the 6’ distance and wearing of masks/gloves. You will remain in your vehicle and tune in to 106.5 FM on your vehicle radio. Please be patient with our volunteers. A plan for entering and exiting the parking lot has been established to maintain safety for all, as this is new to everyone. It will be just like attending a drive-in movie, but different.
After worship is done, please be patient exiting the parking lot. Again there will be parking attendants to guide us in the process. You will notice upon your exit of the parking lot, an individual will be collecting your offering.
Everyone MUST remain in their vehicles at all times or social distance with your personal lawn chair(s) or blanket(s).
No entry into church building except for use of the lower level restrooms.
Take all trash/recycling home with you after worship service.
Masks and gloves are encouraged even in your vehicle.
Be patient—what else do you have to do??
No children’s coloring packs will be available. Bring your own form of entertainment for your children. Service activity booklets will be available online for YOU to print and bring along!
Services will be held rain or shine.
We hope you will consider attending our outside worship service. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Cindy Hart at 484-548-3937 or Sharon Bender at 610-597-8764.
+ + + + + + +
This quote from F. Scott Fitzgerald spoke to me recently. “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the Fall.”
As we enter the Fall season and the air is getting cooler, we, at New Jerusalem Church, are starting fresh with a new pastor. The church council is excited to begin working with Pastor Lisa on where we go as a church. One of the top topics is “how” will we be continuing worship services during COVID. At this point, worship will continue outside. The restrooms on the lower level will be available during worship services. Please use hand sanitizer and gloves that are provided. We have promised to supply a heater for Pastor Lisa as it gets colder! Please know that we are working on another plan and will relay it to the congregation when it is finalized. Until then, these guidelines remain in place:
Appropriate wearing of masks and gloves while in the building at ALL times.
No entry into the building prior to 10:00 a.m.
No entry into the office except for the pastor, office administrator and treasurer.
Offering envelopes should continue to be mailed to the church. Members area also encouraged to use the online Vanco portal, please refrain from dropping off at church.
Encourage continuation of Zoom meetings (however, meetings of less than 25 attendees with appropriate 6’ distancing and masks are allowed).
Pick up of supplies or cleaning is allowed with two people at a time in a single area.
Food Bank will continue with curbside pickup. ALL WORKERS MUST WEAR MASKS AT ALL TIMES.
NO EATING OR DRINKING INSIDE BUILDING. (That requires one to remove their masks … a no-no.)
We will be expecting our members to follow these guidelines, or, unfortunately, we will have to close up again. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.
Happy October!
Cindy Hart
+ + +
Thank you to those that have been sending offerings in the mail or have been using the online Vanco portal. We are making sure all systems will be operating, our building is clean, and we are ready for worship when we get the green light! We are busy ordering supplies that will be necessary for us to commune together, as well as sanitizing supplies to keep us all safe. Our church congregation sticks together when the going gets tough. Please continue to support the ongoing work of New Jerusalem by sending in your offerings.
+ + + + + + +
We hope you will consider attending our outside worship service. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Cindy Hart 484-548-3937 or Sharon Bender 610-597-8764.
God bless you and be safe.
The Council officers for 2020 are:
President: Cindy Hart
Vice President: Sharon Bender
Treasurer: Terry Ravier
Secretary: Kathy Fenstermacher
Council Members: Glenn Campbell, Tina McCardle, Jere Reiss, Robin Rooth-Fogel, Marianne Zellner, and Cindy Ziegler
For I know the plans I have for you, “declares the LORD,” plans to prosper you and
not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
Peace be with you, Cindy Hart, Council President
As always, we pray for all the council members and
all those in leadership positions for this congregation.
You have to find a way to respect these new boundaries related to coronavirus,
but still live the version of life you're used to. That's what life is, regardless of circumstances. If I could offer advice to any person today, it would be
to stick by your faith. Know that your God is with you and will
take care of you all the way through. We will get through this.
Council Question Box
What is Mutual Ministry at New Jerusalem? Did you know that there is a Mutual Ministry Committee here at New Jerusalem?
Mutual Ministry is loosely defined as the interaction between the pastor, professional staff, Church Council, and the congregation to foster communication and support between these three groups. Typical tasks of the Mutual Ministry Committee include providing a listening ear to each group and a means to interact in a confidential way to resolve issues that may arise between, and within, each group. The committee also assists Church Council in conducting an annual performance review of the Church’s professional staff, as well as providing input into creating and revising employee job descriptions.
Currently, this committee is comprised of three members (Tina Miller, Tina Young, and Tim Fulmer) who are appointed to serve a three-year term as approved by the Pastor and Church Council President. The committee is currently seeking additional members, so any interested members of the congregation are invited to contact Pastor Lisa; Church Council President, Marianne Zellner; or any current Mutual Ministry Committee member for more information.
Any member of the congregation that desires to seek assistance from the Mutual Ministry Committee may do so by contacting a member of the committee to arrange a meeting with the committee to discuss issues dealing with interactions with pastor/professional staff, Church Council, and/or other members of the congregation. All contact with the Mutual Ministry Committee is kept confidential between the parties involved in the issue; and the hopeful outcome of this process is to resolve the issue to the satisfaction of all parties.
Our Music Director, Edward L. Walakovits, is a skilled Organist and Choir Director with more than 30 years of experience. He is experienced in playing the pipe organ and piano. Ed has a working knowledge of liturgy and choral styles. He is an effective leader with an eye for developing and motivating choir members. Ed graduated from Moravian College with a Bachelor of Arts in Finance with a minor in Music. Please be sure to welcome Ed to New Jerusalem Church!
All are welcome ~ Please join us for choir practice on
CANCELLED Monday evenings at 6:30 p.m.
Pop-Up Choir ~ Once or twice a month, the choir invites members and guests to join them to sing the Anthem and praises to our God! The response has been very positive and uplifting for all!
From our
Outdoor Worship Service on
Sunday, September 27, 2020
+ + + + + + +
NEW ~ The Worship and Music Committee is looking for any and all volunteers who are interested in special singing, either solo or with others and/or playing an instrument for additional special music to enhance our worship service and should be coordinated with Ed Walakovits–Music Director.
Endowment Committee News!
2020 Fall Endowment Grant Applications will be available in the church office, endowment mailbox in August. Please contact the church office and an application will be sent to you. Deadline for applications is October 18, 2020.
The Endowment Committee anticipates there will be a distribution of income available this fall from the Mission & Ministry Endowment Fund. Remember that per policy, the use of these funds must fall into one of the following ministry areas:
Mission: Local, regional and world projects
Education: Higher education and continuing education expenses
Youth: Support for youth of all ages
Worship and Music: Support for the worship of the church
Capital Projects: Major renovations and building of new facilities for the church
Also there will be a distribution of income available from the Property Endowment Fund. Remember that per policy, the use of these funds must fall into one of the following property areas:
Maintenance; General Upkeep
Capital Project
Equipment Purchases
Property Acquisition
The Endowment Committee will also have a distribution from the Christian Education Endowment Fund. Remember that per policy, the use of these funds must fall into one of the following property areas:
Sunday Church School
Vacation Bible School
Christian Youth Activities
Adult Christian Education
Teacher's Education
Endowment—The gift that keeps on giving!
See any Endowment Committee member if you have questions.
Tim Frey, Chairperson
Russ Pacala Jr, Vice Chairperson
Tina McCardle
Drake Brintzenhoff
You can also visit New Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church on Facebook at
May the beauty of God be reflected in your eyes, the love of God be
reflected in your hands, the wisdom of God be reflected in your words,
and the knowledge of God flow from your heart,
that all might see, and seeing, believe.
+ + + + + + +
Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present,
nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.
God, the creator, Jesus, the Christ, and the Holy Spirit, the comforter,
bless you and keep you in eternal love.
The members of New Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church wish you a blessed day and we pray that your day is filled with hope, love, peace, and good health!