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Pastor Lisa Borrell's Message for May 2023, Church Council Connection, and Music News

Updated: May 10, 2023

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May God fill you will his New goodness every day and

may the love of Jesus overflow from you to others throughout the year!





In case of a pastoral emergency, please contact Pastor Lisa Borrell

at 610-838-0731 or or email

Pastor Lisa will be holding office hours at the church on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Please give me a call ahead of time if possible so that we can arrange for a time to meet and speak. To note … Hershey kisses are always available on my desk if you, like I, have a need for chocolate! I can also be reached via text messages to my cell phone, Facebook Messenger, or email ( Please understand if sometimes I cannot answer a call promptly. Kindly leave me a voice message and I will contact you as soon as I am able. ~ Pastor Lisa


The Day of Pentecost (which falls on Sunday, May 28th this year) is referred to as the “birthday of the Church” in that this was the day when the Holy Spirit descended upon Christ’s disciples in the form of wind and fire, enabling them to speak in various languages so that the multitude who were gathered could understand them in their native tongues. This took place after Jesus’ resurrection as the disciples were commissioned to go out into the world to preach, teach, grant forgiveness, and baptize in His name. We, as 21st century disciples, are urged to do the same … to go out into our everyday worlds and be examples of Christ’s love, mercy, and justice to all we meet.

On Sunday, May 7th, we will be celebrating two baptisms during our worship service, happily welcoming two infants into our church family and praying for the Holy Spirit to surround them with God’s love and power as they grow in years and in faith.

Then, on Pentecost, we’ll offer our praise and support to the four youth from our congregation -- Zoey Bokan, Abigail Miller, Paul Miller, Jr., and Brady Skuba -- who will be reaffirming the promises made by their parents at their baptisms as they are confirmed in the faith and welcomed as adult members of New Jerusalem. Zoey, Abby, PJ, and Brady have successfully completed two years of catechetical instruction and are already active in various ministries of our church (e.g., acolytes, tech team, assistants at Bible School, egg hunt).

Please plan on joining us on these happy occasions and offering your prayers and support to our newest members! Let them know that they are embraced by a most caring church family.

In Christ's service, Pastor Lisa




If you do not feel comfortable attending worship in person, we respect your decision and invite you to tune into our online Sunday Worship Service (via the church’s website at our Youtube livestream link).

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1ST SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH. PLEASE NOTE: Our June Saturday worship service will be held on Saturday, June 10th. New Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church welcomes members and friends of the community to gather in an informal setting to hear the Word, share in the Lord’s Supper, connect with one another, and gain strength for the journey.

May the blessings of our Savior bring hope and peace.

Pastor Lisa Borrell

Hope to see you there!

Peace be with you.


The church continues to have expenses throughout the year

and we encourage you to mail in your offering or

Thank you and God bless


Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Psalm 33:12

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Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27 (NIV)



Greetings from your New Jerusalem “Apples” Church Council

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The next Church Council Meeting will be held on

Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.

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The Council officers for 2023 are:

  • President: Bill Young (484-544-1294)

  • Vice President: Caroline Skuba (610-597-8764)

  • Secretary: Sarah Parente

  • Treasurer: Terry Ravier

  • Council Members: Angela Fulmer, Jesse Hart, Pat Leith, Joanne Robbins, and Robin Rooth-Fogel



As always, please keep the council members and

all those in leadership positions for this congregation in prayer.

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Something to keep in mind as throughout the year…The expenses of the church (heating/cooling, fuel, electricity, salaries, upkeep, cleaning, etc.) continue even when you are on vacation, not in attendance, or when no one is in the building. All confirmed members are encouraged to give on a regular basis so that the important ministries of the church will not be disrupted. We encourage you to mail in your offering or use

Thank you and God bless

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Council Question Box (As a reminder, there is a wooden box located on the shelf in the Narthex. Congregation members are encouraged to write a question/

concern/comment for the council. You can also speak with a council member. These questions/concerns/comments will be read at the council meeting and discussed. The response will be placed in the next Angelus or, if signed, will be relayed to the individual.)


What is Mutual Ministry at New Jerusalem? Did you know that there is a Mutual Ministry Committee here at New Jerusalem?

Mutual Ministry is loosely defined as the interaction between the pastor, professional staff, Church Council, and the congregation to foster communication and support between these three groups. Typical tasks of the Mutual Ministry Committee include providing a listening ear to each group and a means to interact in a confidential way to resolve issues that may arise between, and within, each group. The committee also assists Church Council in conducting an annual performance review of the Church’s professional staff, as well as providing input into creating and revising employee job descriptions.

Currently, this committee is comprised of three members (Tina Miller, Tina Young, and Tim Fulmer) who are appointed to serve a three-year term as approved by the Pastor and Church Council President. The committee is currently seeking additional members, so any interested members of the congregation are invited to contact Pastor Lisa; Church Council President, Marianne Zellner; or any current Mutual Ministry Committee member for more information.

Any member of the congregation that desires to seek assistance from the Mutual Ministry Committee may do so by contacting a member of the committee to arrange a meeting with the committee to discuss issues dealing with interactions with pastor/professional staff, Church Council, and/or other members of the congregation. All contact with the Mutual Ministry Committee is kept confidential between the parties involved in the issue; and the hopeful outcome of this process is to resolve the issue to the satisfaction of all parties.


Our Music Director, Edward L. Walakovits, is a skilled Organist and Choir Director with more than 30 years of experience. He is experienced in playing the pipe organ and piano. Ed has a working knowledge of liturgy and choral styles. He is an effective leader with an eye for developing and motivating choir members. Ed graduated from Moravian College with a Bachelor of Arts in Finance with a minor in Music.

All are welcome ~ Please join us for choir practice on

Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m.

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The Worship and Music Committee is always looking for any and all volunteers who are interested in special singing, either solo or with others and/or playing an instrument for additional special music to enhance our worship service and should be coordinated with

Ed Walakovits–Music Director.


Endowment & Finance Committee News!

2023 Spring Endowment Grant applications will be available in the church office, Endowment mailbox in March. Electronic copies of the application are also available by emailing the church office and should be returned to the church office via email ( Deadline for spring applications is

April 6, 2023.

MISSION & MINISTRY ENDOWMENT FUND ~ 2023 grant amount is $2,750.

The Endowment Committee anticipates there will be a distribution of income available from the Mission & Ministry Endowment Fund. Remember that per policy, the use of these funds must fall into one of the following ministry areas:

  • Mission: Local, regional and world projects

  • Education: Higher education and continuing education expenses

  • Youth: Support for youth of all ages

  • Worship and Music: Support for the worship of the church

  • Capital Projects: Major renovations and building of new facilities for the church

PROPERTY ENDOWMENT FUND ~ 2023 grant amount is $20,000.

Remember that per policy, the use of these funds must fall into one of the following property areas:

  • Maintenance; General Upkeep

  • Restoration

  • Repairs

  • Capital Project

  • Equipment Purchases

  • Property Acquisition

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION ENDOWMENT FUND ~ 2023 grant amount is $2,000.

Remember that per policy, the use of these funds must fall into one of the following property areas:

  • Sunday Church School

  • Vacation Bible School

  • Christian Youth Activities

  • Adult Christian Education

  • Teacher's Education

Endowment—The gift that keeps on giving!

See any Endowment & Finance Committee member if you have questions.

Tim Frey, Chairperson

Russ Pacala Jr., Vice Chairperson

Tina McCardle

Terry Ravier



  1. I/we would like a call from Pastor Lisa Borrell. Yes or No

  2. I/we would like to be removed from all correspondence. Yes or No

  3. I/we would like to be removed or become inactive as of ______________ 2023 from the rolls. Removed or Inactive

  4. I/we would like our information in the 2021 church directory. Yes or No

(If no, mark a P next to information that you want kept private—

for church record only)

First Name(s): _______________________________________ & _______________________________________

Last Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________________

City: _______________________________________________ State: _________ Zip: _____________________

Home Phone: __________________________________________________________________________________

Cell Phone(s): ________________________________________, ________________________________________

Email Address(s): ______________________________________, ______________________________________

List Family Members:

Name(s) Birthday(s)


1. _____________________________________________________________ ___________________

2. _____________________________________________________________ ___________________

3. _____________________________________________________________ ___________________

4. _____________________________________________________________ ___________________

5. _____________________________________________________________ ___________________

6. _____________________________________________________________ ___________________

7. _____________________________________________________________ ___________________

Our bylaws B8.02.b: A confirmed member who does not attend church service, who does not partake in holy communion, and who has made no contribution of record to this congregation shall be classified as an inactive member without the right to vote.


You can also visit us on Facebook at


​​May the beauty of God be reflected in your eyes, the love of God be

reflected in your hands, the wisdom of God be reflected in your words,

and the knowledge of God flow from your heart,

that all might see, and seeing, believe.

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Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present,

nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.

God, the creator, Jesus, the Christ, and the Holy Spirit, the comforter,

bless you and keep you in eternal love.

The members of New Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church wish you a blessed day and we pray that your day is filled with hope, love, peace, and good health!

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