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Ministries for December 1–31, 2022 and Upcoming Events

Updated: Dec 17, 2022

. . . in December




May God fill you will his goodness every day and

may the love of Jesus overflow from you to others throughout the year!

In case of a pastoral emergency,

please contact Pastor Lisa Borrell at 610-838-0731 or email

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Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Psalm 33:12


by Vince Gill and Jenny Gill with Lyrics

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Thursday, December 1, 2022

7:00–11:00 a.m.—CLOSED Church Office Hours

1:00 p.m.—Card Club (Conference Room)

6:30 p.m.—Church Community Life (CCL) Committee Meeting

Friday, December 2, 2022

CLOSED Church Office

Saturday, December 3, 2022

CLOSED Church Office

Sunday, December 4, 2022

8:45 a.m.—Sunday School

9:30 a.m.—Children's Choir

10:00 a.m.—Worship Service ~ 2nd Sunday of Advent

ONLINE Worship Service (Youtube livestream link)

11:00 a.m.—Coffee/Fellowship Hour

11:00 a.m.—Worship & Music Committee Meeting

6:00 p.m.—Confirmation Class

7:00 p.m.—AA

Monday, December 5, 2022

7:00–11:00 a.m.—Church Office Hours

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

7:00–11:00 a.m.—Church Office Hours

7:00 p.m.—Church Council Meeting

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

7:00–10:00 a.m.—Church Office Hours

8:30 a.m.—Quilters

10:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m.—Pastor Lisa's Office Hours

6:30 p.m.—Choir Practice

7:00 p.m.—Finance Committee Meeting

7:00 p.m.—AA

Thursday, December 8, 2022

7:00–11:00 a.m.—Church Office Hours

10:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m.—Pastor Lisa's Office Hours

1:00 p.m.—Card Club (Conference Room)

Friday, December 9, 2022

CLOSED Church Office

9:00 a.m.—Food Bank Delivery (see Mark Your Calendar below)

Saturday, December 10, 2022

CLOSED Church Office

8:30–10:45 a.m.—Food Bank Distribution (see Mark Your Calendar below)

Sunday, December 11, 2022

8:45 a.m.—Sunday School

9:30 a.m.—Children's Choir

10:00 a.m.—Worship Service/Congregational Meeting ~ 3rd Sunday of Advent

ONLINE Worship Service (Youtube livestream link)

11:00 a.m.—NO Coffee/Fellowship Hour

1:00 p.m.—Bingo Upper Room (see Mark Your Calendar below)

6:30 p.m.— NJELC Youth Group

7:00 p.m.—AA

Monday, December 12, 2022

7:00–11:00 a.m.—Church Office Hours

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

7:00–11:00 a.m.—Church Office Hours

7:00 p.m.—Church Council Meeting

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

6:00–10:00 a.m.—Church Office Hours

8:30 a.m.—Quilters

10:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m.—Pastor Lisa's Office Hours

6:30 p.m.—Choir Practice

7:00 p.m.—AA

Thursday, December 15, 2022

7:00–11:00 a.m.— Church Office Hours

7:00 a.m.—January Angelus Deadline

10:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m.—Pastor Lisa's Office Hours

1:00 p.m.—Card Club (Conference Room)

Friday, December 16, 2022

CLOSED Church Office

Saturday, December 17, 2022

CLOSED Church Office

8:30–10:45 a.m.—Food Bank Distribution (see Mark Your Calendar below)

GooseChase Begins (see Mark Your Calendar below)

Sunday, December 18, 2022

8:45 a.m.—Sunday School

9:30 a.m.—Children's Choir

10:00 a.m.—Worship Service ~ Christ the King Sunday

ONLINE WORSHIP SERVICE (Youtube livestream link)

11:00 a.m.—NO Coffee/Fellowship Hour

11:00 a.m.—Youth Christmas Program/Lunch

6:00 p.m.—Confirmation Class

7:00 p.m.—AA

GooseChase (see Mark Your Calendar below)

Monday, December 19, 2022

7:00–11:00 a.m.—Church Office Hours

7:00 p.m.—SV Lions Club

GooseChase (see Mark Your Calendar below)

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

7:00–11:00 a.m.—Church Office Hours

12:00 noon—Prime Timers (see Mark Your Calendar below)

GooseChase (see Mark Your Calendar below)

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

6:00–10:00 a.m.—Church Office Hours

8:30 a.m.—Quilters

10:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m.—Pastor Lisa's Office Hours

6:30 p.m.—Choir Practice

7:00 p.m.—AA

GooseChase (see Mark Your Calendar below)

Thursday, December 22, 2022

7:00–11:00 a.m.— Church Office Hours

10:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m.—Pastor Lisa's Office Hours

1:00 p.m.—Card Club (Conference Room)

7:00 p.m.—Preschool Christmas Program

GooseChase (see Mark Your Calendar below)

Friday, December 23, 2022

CLOSED Church Office

GooseChase (see Mark Your Calendar below)

Saturday, December 24, 2022

CLOSED Church Office

4:00 p.m.—Christmas Eve Family Service

7:30 p.m.—Brass Preludes

8:00 p.m.—Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

GooseChase Ends (see Mark Your Calendar below)

Sunday, December 25, 2022

8:45 a.m.—NO Sunday School

9:30 a.m.—NO Children's Choir

10:00 a.m.—Worship Service/Lessons & Carols ~

Merry Christmas from New Jerusalem Church

ONLINE WORSHIP SERVICE (Youtube livestream link)

11:00 a.m.—NO Coffee/Fellowship Hour

7:00 p.m.—AA

Monday, December 26, 2022

7:00–11:00 a.m.—CLOSED Church Office Hours

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

7:00–11:00 a.m.—Church Office Hours

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

6:00–10:00 a.m.—Church Office Hours

8:30 a.m.—Quilters

10:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m.—Pastor Lisa's Office Hours

6:30 p.m.—Choir Practice

7:00 p.m.—AA

Thursday, December 29, 2022

7:00–11:00 a.m.— Church Office Hours

10:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m.—Pastor Lisa's Office Hours

1:00 p.m.—Card Club (Conference Room)

7:00 p.m.—Property Committee Meeting

Friday, December 30, 2022

CLOSED Church Office

5:30 p.m.—Movie Night (see Mark Your Calendar below)

Saturday, December 31, 2022

CLOSED Church Office




Hope to see you there!

Peace be with you.


You can also visit New Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church on Facebook at

In all circumstances, never forget that we still are the church! As Martin Luther proclaimed in his most recognizable Reformation hymn, “A Mighty Fortress,” God’s truth forever shall abide. Even COVID –19 has no power over us.


If you are not receiving the Angelus (Church Newsletter) either electronically or via the mail or your information needs to be updated, please contact the church office at 610-838-0731 and provide your name, email, and address, etc. to correct to error.

2023 Giving Envelopes are available ~ Your envelopes will be available for pick up and can be found on the window in the Narthex. You may also contact the church office via email or call to make arrangements for envelopes to be left in the blue bin outside the church by the lower doors for pickup any day Monday through Wednesday after 10:00 a.m. Please take family and friend's envelopes along if possible.

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We appreciate everyone’s continued financial support throughout these challenging times. (As you are well aware, even if we are not inside the building, the bills keep coming in every month.)

Together, we are the Body of Christ. We appreciate everyone’s continued financial support throughout these challenging times. God is good and gives us what we need.

Your Offering Checks can be made out to: New Jerusalem Church or NJELC

and mailed to:

New Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church

3323 Apples Church Road, Bethlehem, PA 18015


We have partnered with Vanco Payment Solutions to allow church members to contribute their offerings electronically from their personal checking or saving accounts directly to the church at no cost to them. Click this link Vanco Website to create your free online profile and set up your giving preferences. Giving will now be easier and hassle free.

Below is a brief description about 'Giving Electronically':

Electronic gifts are fast and secure, and they reduce administrative costs, allowing more of every dollar to fund the important work we are called to do.

+ Give anytime, anywhere to your favorite funds

+ Schedule and manage recurring donations even when you are on vacation

+ Make one-time donations to special appeals

+ Pay for events, programs, and other activities

+ Don’t have to cash or a checkbook


NJELC Property Building Fund ~ Exterior painting of the church, new ramp, and parking lot improvements.

Please consider making a donation towards this 3-prong project. Just mark you check, envelope, or VANCO donation(s) for the 'Building Fund' and it will be designated toward this project. Thank you for consideration in helping to raise the necessary funds. Any questions please see any Property Committee member.


Chalisters are needed … When we go back to offering altar Communion, we will need chalisters to help serve. Please sign up on the bulletin board in the Narthex if interested. The primary responsibility would only be to pour the grape juice chalice as we will no longer be offering the sacrament by common cup.

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Acolytes are needed … All interested youth (especially Confirmands) are asked to see the sign-up sheet in the Narthex. Thanks! Pastor Lisa will offer instruction when a list of volunteers has been made.

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New Prayer List Guidelines

  1. All name requests (additions, deletions) tto be directed to Jeanette— Office Administrator by calling 610-838-0731 or emailing

  2. Please remember to get the individual's permission before submitting.

  3. One can request an individual's or family's name be included on the list when there in a health or community concern or death.

    1. If it is a health concern, the person's name will remain on the list for four (4) weeks unless a request is made to keep it on longer, i.e., in the case of a prolonged condition or illness.

    2. If a death has occurred, the name will be listed for two (2) weeks.

    3. If it is a community concern, the concern will be listed for two (2) weeks.

    4. A person's name may be kept on for longer than four (4) weeks if Jeanette is informed of this request.

    5. EVERYONE can use prayers. This list was created for the purpose of lifting up current prayer needs.


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Lutheran Disaster Response ~ You may have seen the distressing news about flash flooding in eastern Kentucky from July 27-28, 2022. A line of severe storms dumped record amounts of rain on the area, overflowing rivers and creeks onto streets and neighborhoods. The floodwaters rose in the middle of the night from July 27–28, 2022, leaving people little time to evacuate. These severe floods are not limited to Kentucky. There has also been flooding in Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, West Virginia, and other states in the region.


As you are aware due to the report and images in the news, the state of Florida has been absolutely devastated by the unprecedented effects of Hurricane Ian on September 28, 2022. Humans are no match in regards to the fury and ferocity of Mother Nature, especially a Category 5 hurricane. The 150 mph winds and 12+ foot high waves of water destroyed everything in its path including bridges, leaving an untold amount of families homeless and without water or power.

Gifts to Lutheran Disaster Response designed for "U.S. Flooding" and/or "Florida—Hurricane Ian" will be used entirely (100%) to assist those affected by floods. Together, we can support those who are on the long road to recovery. Please give today.

Checks or money orders can be sent to:

Lutheran Disaster Response

PO. Box 1809

Merrifield, VA 22116-8009

Write "U.S. Flooding" and/or "Florida—Hurricane Ian" on your check memo line.

Give by phone at 800-638-3522 (Monday–Friday; 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. CT)

or online at


Update on Hurricane Ian relief through Thrivent donations … In the short term, Lutheran Disaster Response will be providing immediate relief such as water, clothing, gift cards, tarps, and other needs to Hurricane Ian victims. Lutheran Disaster Response and their partners support communities on the long road to recovery with disaster case management, construction management, and emotional & spiritual care. Please consider donating. For every $2 donation, Thrivent will boost it by $1. And, Thrivent pays all the processing fees so 100% of your donation goes to help those in need. Thank you for your generosity. Thrivent will provide a $1 match for every $2 donated through this online disaster response campaign up to a maximum match of $250,000. You may check out for more information.


NJELC Food Bank ~ Approximately 82 families were served in the month of November. We thank everyone for the continued food and monetary donations during these challenging times. We are so grateful for the generosity of our community! Thank you!

A special thank you to all the hard-working volunteers

who help keep the NJ Food Bank operating!

+ + + + + + +

The Giant Food gift card program continues as an ongoing program of the church. Gift cards are available in $100, $50, and $25 denominations. Please contact Tina McCardle at 610 838-6784 or email her at if you would like to purchase any gift cards. The church receives a 5% discount that goes into the general fund. This past year we earned $500. Thank you to all the people who routinely participate in the program. Your purchased makes a difference.

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To the Congregation of NJELC from Boy Scout Troop 311 … Thank you so much for supporting our fundraising efforts. We appreciate your support of our fundraising – popcorn sales and the spaghetti Dinner (on October 25th). The Troop is closer to our goal to attend the High Adventure camp and purchase camping equipment!

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Thank you from ELCA: We are grateful of your special gift in support of ELCA World Hunger ministries. Through your generosity, you are joining hands with many others to equip households and communities to break the cycle of poverty and hunger, build up leaders for our church and for our future, and spread the good news of God’s love.

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Thank you to all our Frontline and Essential Workers!



In an effort to keep email mass communication efficient, Council has agreed to send mass email information out once a week. The "Weekly Update" email will be sent out Thursday mornings at 7:30 a.m. Any requests during the week for an email blast will be captured in this weekly email. The weekly prayer list will continue to be sent out on Monday mornings. Thank you.


Tina McCardle has GIANT GIFT CARDS for sale and accepts cash or checks to NJELC. They come in $25, $50, or $100 amounts. Call her at 610-838-6784 to make arrangements. She usually has them on hand when you see her as well. It's an easy way to support our ministry at NJ which benefits our current budget. Thanks to the many who are regular participants!

Would be willing to participate? I usually have gift cards on hand, so when you see me, please ask to buy some gift cards. Cash or checks made out to NJELC are accepted. We will be dropping the Valley Farms Gift Card, as they recently were sold to another owner. Giant cards are available in $25, $50, and $100 denominations. Please contact me at or 610-838-6784 and we can make arrangements to have you purchase gift cards.

Thanks to everyone who regularly buys cards to support the ongoing ministry of New Jerusalem Church. ~ Tina McCardle

They make great gifts!


We will be selling “Monthly Madness Cards” for

Dan Schantz Greenhouse. This $25 card entitles you to get one FREE item every month of the year. $100 value for $25 and New Jerusalem makes a profit on every card.

The best part -- it NEVER expires! You redeem the card 12 different months and receive 12 very nice plants, flowers, pumpkins, etc. Can’t get to Lehigh Street in January? No problem -- next January the card is still good. Great gift idea! See posters around the church or Phyllis Reiss for more details at or 610-653-8655.


FOOD FOR FRIENDS ~ The Food For Friends (FFF) Ministry is one of those special ministries that happens behind the scenes. We have a small group of volunteers who give of their time and talent to feed the hungry. Food For Friends is a program based in Quakertown through the Richland Friends Church. The roots of FFF dates back to 1998 when Mary Miller, the Ag teacher at Upper Bucks County Technical School had a The rest is history, with six volunteer groups now sharing the load of providing a hot meal for anyone in need on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Wednesday of every month.

Our NJELC Apples Church group covers 6 dinner events a year and has provided up to 150 to-go meals in one night. Prior to COVID, the groups would provide a sit-down meal and serve the patrons which also included some good conversation and fellowship. Everyone involved always tells me how wonderful the experience was for them. It’s enjoyable for me to see people help others and know we are making a difference in our community. If you are interested in helping with future events, please contact Bill Young via email: or

call 610-797-8440.


Property Committee Update ~ Our building fund project for the new handicap ramp and steps to the entrance of the Nave has been completed. You may contribute to the Capital Campaign/Building Fund by noting on your check or envelope you would like your gift to go there. Thank you for all your support!

The steps and ramp in front of the church are now OPEN.

Please speak with any Property Committee member (Bill Bender, Bill Young,

Jere Reiss, Jesse Hart, Terry Ravier, Tina McCardle, and Russ Pacala), if you have questions.

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As we enter the colder months, please consider wearing extra layers of clothing to allow for personal comfort during your time in the building. Winter is no different than Summer and we are still dealing with rising energy costs (up $15,000 from last year).

We appreciate everyone's cooperation as we try to manage these difficult times.


New Jerusalem decals…New Jerusalem shirt decals are still available at Saucon Valley Sporting Goods located at the Water Street Plaza. Please contact Kathy Fenstermacher at church for more information.


The Card Club Group will be meeting on Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. in the Conference Room for afternoons of recreation and fellowship with one another.

All are welcome to join us!


CONGRATULATIONS to Jaelah Brielle Evans who is graduating from Arcadia University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Media in December!

Jaelah is the granddaughter of Shirley and Jim Lamb, will continue her education in the mental health field.


A card shower for Dorothy Muschlitz who is turning

102 years old on December 17, 2022!

Please send greetings and well wishes to:

Dorothy Muschlitz

Phoebe Richland Meadow Glen ~ Room 226

108 S. Main Street

Richlandtown, PA 18955


Want to spread some Christmas cheer? Please consider sending a Christmas card to the residents of our local senior living facilities to brighten their holidays.

This would be a great activity for youth to hand-make colorful cards. Please address your cards to:

Want to spread some Christmas cheer? Please consider sending a Christmas card to the residents of our local senior living facilities to brighten their holidays.

This would be a great activity for youth to hand-make colorful cards. Please address your cards to:

Any Resident

Weston Rehabilitation & Nursing Center

1896 Leithsville Road

Hellertown, PA 18055

Any Resident

Saucon Valley Manor

1050 Main Street

Hellertown, PA 18055


Poinsettia Sponsors ~ The Altar Guild is now accepting donations for poinsettias which will beautify our sanctuary on Christmas Eve. If you would like to place a dedication, please fill out the form below. Please put the completed form (along with payment) in the offering plate or send it in to the church office by mail. Please write “Poinsettia” in the memo portion of your check. Orders are due by Sunday, December 11, 2022.

Those who sponsor a poinsettia may take it home after the second service on Christmas Eve. If you attend the first service, the poinsettia may be taken home following worship on Christmas morning. Thank you!

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Name(s): _______________________________________________________________________________________

Envelope # ________________ Amount $ ________________








Christmas Ingathering News …

The Ingathering will be held on

Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at

St. Paul’s Third Lutheran Church

2561 Newburg Road, Easton, PA 18045

Our donation is 25 packs of Diapers (size 4 & 5). There will be a collection basket in the Narthex marked “Ingathering.” Please bring all donations to church by Sunday, December 4th. See or speak with Barbara Young for more details. Thank you!


New Jerusalem Community Food Bank

Current Needs: Peanut Butter & Jelly

Thank you for your contributions and

to all of our faithful volunteers!

Food Bank Delivery: Friday, December 9, 2022

Distribution Days: Saturday, December 10th from 8:30–10:45 a.m. AND

Saturday, December 17th from 8:00–10:00 a.m.

Approximately 82 families were served in the month of November. We thank everyone for the continued food and monetary donations during these challenging times. We are so grateful for the generosity of our community! Thank you!

For more information about our Food Bank, please click here.

A special thank you to all the hard-working volunteers who help keep the NJ Food Bank operating and to our most generous community!

Thank you for making this community stronger!


The Annual Congregation Meeting will be held on Sunday, December 11, 2022 immediately after the worship service. Please make every effort to attend.


It's time for the Third Annual Holiday GooseChase! This year will be a little different.

The "Chase" will go for a whole week, beginning today (December 17th) through next Saturday (Christmas Eve day, December 24th) and when you sign in you will be able to create your own team. The missions are a combination of outdoor Christmas Lights search and indoor fun activities.

If you've never heard of it before, it is a simple and FUN digital scavenger hunt where you use your device (phone/iPad) to take photos or videos of each mission with your team to earn points. The winner receives bragging rights for the year!

Here are some directions on how to participate:

1. Download the Goosechase iOS or Android app 2. Log in. New to Goosechase? Sign up for an account or participate as a guest 3. Search for this Experience by code PBPMV5 or name Christmas Lights Scavenger (and More!) Hunt 4. Create a team. Some teams require a passcode! 5. Lastly, set yourself apart with a name and photo Please send me an email letting me know you are participating. And remember that you have a whole week to play and you do NOT need to complete all the clues. The only requirement is to have fun. Let me know if you have any questions ~ Angie Fulmer Let the GooseChase begin!





The winner will be announced on

Sunday, December 18, 2022

If you would like to participate, please let Angie Fulmer know NO LATER THAN SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13th at 610-295-2658 or

Each participant will receive the same basic gingerbread house kit. Feel free to add any other EDIBLE items to your house. Check out the entrants from last year for inspiration and BE CREATIVE!

Houses must be returned to church before church on Sunday, December 4th. Monetary votes can be made until Sunday, December 18, 2022 when a winner will be announced. The winning house will choose the charity to donate the money raised.


SAVE THE DATE ~ New Jerusalem's Youth Christmas Program will be held in on Sunday, December 18, 2022 following our Sunday worship service. A light lunch in the Upper Room.

Come enjoy the story of our Savior's birth this Christmas season! Our children's Sunday School class will join with our Confirmation class to once again, retell the story of Jesus' birth by sharing some insight as to how people in different parts of the world celebrate.

A Christmas Luncheon will follow the Christmas program in the Upper Room! The children and their families will provide lunch items. Desserts will be graciously provided by our Coffee Hour hosts! Happy Christmas Season to all!

~ Children's Choir, Sunday School & Confirmation Teachers, and Classes


Prime Timers will meet on

Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at noon.

This month we will watch the Christmas movie, 'Simon Birch'.

There will also be a gift exchange, if you would like to participate.

Please bring a $5.00 gift (women—bring a woman's gift/men—bring a man's gift).

A Sign-up Sheet will be posted in the Narthex.

All are welcome ~ hope to see you there!

For questions, please contact Loretta at 610-838-7428.


“Let Your Light Shine" for our

Christmas Eve services on

Saturday, December 24, 2022.

Help is needed again for the following:

1) Assembling luminaries on Friday, December 23rd at 6:00 p.m. in the conference room. We have plenty of containers. We need hands!

2) Putting carts out with luminaries on Saturday, December 24th at the 4:00 p.m. service.

3) Lighting luminaires at approximately 4:30 p.m. BEFORE the end of the 4:00 p.m. service.



Welcome all readers ~ There will be NO Book Club in December—enjoy the season. Book Club will resume on January 24, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. We will be discussing the book, "The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" by Taylor Jenkins Reid. Hope to see the familiar faces as well as newcomers.

We will meet in the conference room across from the office.

Friends are welcome to join us, so pass the word!

If you have any questions, please contact Pat Leith by e-mail at or call /text at 610-838-0427.


If you would like to read the Synod News, you may find it online at The most current copy is posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex area.


2022–2023 Altar Flower Sign-up Sheet is located in the Narthex or call the church office at 610-838-0731.

Altar Flower Sponsorship Update …The cost of sponsoring altar flowers is $30. If there are two sponsorships on any given Sunday, the cost is $15/per sponsor. However, two separate flower arrangements can also be provided, one from each sponsor; each sponsor will then pay $30 each. Please let Barbara Young or Shirlene Moser know your preference when sponsoring altar flowers. Thank you!

Altar flowers are a great way to celebrate a special occasion or

honor or remember someone dear.


What is Mutual Ministry at New Jerusalem? Did you know that there is a Mutual Ministry Committee here at New Jerusalem?

Mutual Ministry is loosely defined as the interaction between the pastor, professional staff, Church Council, and the congregation to foster communication and support between these three groups. Typical tasks of the Mutual Ministry Committee include providing a listening ear to each group and a means to interact in a confidential way to resolve issues that may arise between, and within, each group. The committee also assists Church Council in conducting an annual performance review of the Church’s professional staff, as well as providing input into creating and revising employee job descriptions.

Currently, this committee is comprised of three members (Tina Miller, Tina Young, and Tim Fulmer) who are appointed to serve a three-year term as approved by the Pastor and Church Council President. The committee is currently seeking additional members, so any interested members of the congregation are invited to contact Pastor Lisa; Church Council President, Marianne Zellner; or any current Mutual Ministry Committee member for more information.

Any member of the congregation that desires to seek assistance from the Mutual Ministry Committee may do so by contacting a member of the committee to arrange a meeting with the committee to discuss issues dealing with interactions with pastor/professional staff, Church Council, and/or other members of the congregation. All contact with the Mutual Ministry Committee is kept confidential between the parties involved in the issue; and the hopeful outcome of this process is to resolve the issue to the satisfaction of all parties.


Have you ever taken a photo* at a New Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church (NJELC) event?

We would LOVE to share your photos on the NJELC website and/or Facebook!

Send them to:

+ Facebook: Kathy Fenstermacher at or

Caroline Skuba at

+ NJ Website: Linda Weaver at

*PLEASE NOTE: If you share photos, you are giving NJELC permission to post the photo publicly of all persons in the photograph(s).


Our Music Director, Edward L. Walakovits, is a skilled Organist and Choir Director with more than 30 years of experience. He is experienced in playing the pipe organ and piano. Ed has a working knowledge of liturgy and choral styles. He is an effective leader with an eye for developing and motivating choir members. Ed graduated from Moravian College with a Bachelor of Arts in Finance with a minor in Music.

+ + + + + + +

Choir rehearsals are held on Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m.

PLEASE NOTE: All are Welcome!

Feel free to join the choir—all voices and skill levels are welcome!

If you have any questions, please see Ed.

+ + + + + + +

The Worship and Music Committee is always looking for any and all volunteers who are interested in special singing, either solo or with others and/or playing an instrument for additional special music to enhance our worship service and should be coordinated with Ed Walakovits–Music Director.


Calling all volunteers … we are in great need of volunteers (ushers, greeters, lectors, and general helpers) for our

10:00 a.m. indoor worship services. A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the Narthex area for those who would like to serve. Thank you!


Please provide your email address to both the church office at and to Caroline Skuba at so the electronic volunteer sign-up sheet link can be sent to you.


Coffee Hour Sign-Up ~ If you are interested, please use the sign-up sheet located on the bulletin board by the kitchen in the Upper Room. Any questions, please see Tina Young.


Technology Committee ~ I guess we could thank COVID for helping establish the Technology Committee at NJELC. The Parking Lot Service, live streaming on YouTube not to mention Facebook, and the church website have become a necessity in the 21st century in order to give our members different options to worship with us. It’s a changing world indeed, but we need to evolve in order to survive.

The Technology Committee oversees live streaming, Facebook, church website, sound system, and security cameras. Our mission is to use technology to

reach more people with our ministry and make it easier for congregational members to share information.

We have established a dedicated email for technology questions, picture sharing and digital storage. Many of you have pictures you may want to share with our church community. All pictures can be emailed to

NOTE: Any picture sent to us is with the understanding we have permission to use it on social media or the church website.

The following people are part of the Technology Committee:

  • Bill Young: Committee Chairperson, Website, Live-Streaming, Equipment, and Security

  • Angela Fulmer: Live-Streaming, Pictures, and Facebook

  • Linda Weaver: Website and Pictures

  • Sharon Bender: Website, Live-Streaming, and Council Liaison

  • Caroline Skuba: Facebook and Pictures

  • Ben Fogel: Live-Streaming and Equipment

  • Kathy Fenstermacher: Facebook

  • Terry Ravier: Live-Streaming and Security


Prayer Shawls ~ There is a basket of beautiful handmade prayer shawls in the Narthex. If you know of someone who is having hard times (illness, sadness, troubles, or just because), please take one for them.

These shawls are meant to show a tangible message of God's love and the care and concern of friends from New Jerusalem.


​Would you like to learn to Quilt?

If you would like to learn or already know how, please join our quilters on Tuesday mornings at 8:30 a.m.


Do you like to pray? Do you like to pray for others?

New Jerusalem has had a devoted prayer group to minister to people of our congregation, our extended families and neighbors, and outside concerns for many years. Many people were not aware of this ongoing ministry of the church. If you or someone you know needs prayers from this group or wishes to be a part of the group to pray, please do not hesitate to email Kathy Fenstermacher at She in turn will notify others in the group to add your request to the list for daily prayers on your behalf. Prayers can be made for an illness, surgery, death, or other reasons. The reason does not need to be stated or the type of illness or surgery. After the crisis has passed that name may be added to the church prayer list that is provided every Sunday in the bulletin. If someone just wants a name added to the church prayer list in the bulletin, please call and leave a message with the church office at 610-838-0731. Please indicate if you would like a phone call, home, or hospital visit from Pastor Lisa.

Any church member who is in need of meals during a time of illness, injury,

death, birth, or some other disability is welcome to contact Sharon Bender at

610-597-8764 or email her at She will arrange meals to be delivered to the family or person in need.

Thank you for being part of this ministry!


Volunteers Needed for our Fellowship Committee ~ The Fellowship Committee provides tasty treats for your enjoyment after worship every Sunday and is in need of additional volunteers to provide items. If you have any interest in providing an occasional snack for coffee hour, please see or get in touch with Tina Young. If you would like to team up with another family or a couple of people, we can work with you on doing that. If you would like to offer your assistance on setup and or clean up, that is welcome also.

I would first like to thank everyone who has ever led or helped with a coffee hour. Without your help, this time of fellowship would not be possible. As we move forward, I have updated and attached the current coffee hour duty list to reduce confusion and apprehension. We need more people to sign up for weekly coffee hour as leaders (who would organize a small group) and bakers (who would support current leaders). Please consider this important ministry that builds community in our church. Contact Tina Young at or

call 610-533-4977.


New Jerusalem Church will hold periodic fundraising events for our veterans. Participants may visit residents, play games, share stories, read to them, or we can offer support. The congregation will be kept informed of the veterans we are helping. Any questions, contact Cindy Hart.