located at
New Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church
3323 Apples Church Road, Bethlehem, PA 18015
Our program consists of four classes designed to fit the needs of every student and their family. Through many learning activities, crafts, songs, books, and much more, children are engaged to learn their letters, numbers, colors, shapes, patterns, opposites, rhyming, sequencing, size, etc., along with writing skills. With a soft Christian environment, children are guided through their days to share and care, while using their imaginations and energy to fill our spacious classroom with joy.
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We had a lot of exciting things happen in April! After our Easter Egg Hunt and Party, we welcomed 10 tiny caterpillars that we have watched turn into their chrysalides. We anxiously are awaiting the experience of a transformation into butterflies and will then set them free.
The children, parents, and teachers enjoyed the play, "The Wizard of Oz", at DeSales University and were excited to meet the characters afterwards.
We had a visit from Miss Andrea from the Hellertown Area Library and she read wonderful books to us, taught us new songs, and gave us information on their summer programs.
Earth Day lessons, coloring pages, and science experiments were wonderful ways to teach the children how to take care of their world. The PreK class had a visit from a couple two-week old emus. They were adorable and so cute in their little sock diapers.
Our next spring fundraiser will be held on Wednesday, May 10, 2023 from 6:00 p.m. to closing at The Inside Scoop in Coopersburg. Come out to meet the teachers, learn about our programs, and of course to enjoy some ice cream!
The Apple's Preschool Closing Program will be held on Thursday, June 8, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.
Happy May. . .Miss Shani and Miss Katrina
Happy Mother's Day to all our mothers!
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May God bless us all this year with healthy bodies, patience, and loving hearts.
We have open enrollment. It is never too soon to enroll for the 2023-2024 school year. Miss Shani can be reached at: shani@rcn.com for preschool information and/or tours of the classroom.
Our schedule and tuition rates will be as follows:
Three Year Old Class to be held on
Mondays and Tuesdays from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. OR 12:30 to 3:00 p.m.
Tuition is $160/month
Pre-K Class to be held on
Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:00–11:30 a.m. OR 12:30–3:00 p.m.
Tuition is $200/month
If you know of anyone that may be interested in becoming a substitute teacher, please let us know as soon as possible. We are looking for more people to join our team. Miss Shani, Preschool Director
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Miss Shani And Miss Katrina,
Our Apple's Preschool Classroom, And April 2023 Memories
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You can find more information about Apple's Preschool on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ApplesChurchPreschool
New Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church at www.newjerlc.org. ​
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2022-2023 Year in Advance - Save the Date
(dates may be rescheduled accordingly)
September 6, 2022: Preschool Begins (9:00 a.m.)
October 11, 2022: (Three Year Old Class) Trauger’s Farm Market Field Trip
October 13, 2022: (Pre-K Class) Photo Day
October 18, 2022: (Three Year Old Class) Photo Day
October 21, 2022: (Pre-K Class) Trauger’s Farm Market Field Trip (9:30 a.m.)
October 28, 2022: (Pre-K Class) Fall-O-Ween Party
October 31, 2022: (Three Year Old Class) Fall-O-Ween Party
November, 2022: (All) Preschool Sunday (10:00 a.m.)
November 22, 2022; (Three Year Old Class) Thanksgiving Feast
November 23, 2022: (Pre-K Class) Thanksgiving Feast
November 24–25, 2022: (All) CLOSED for Thanksgiving Holiday
December 20, 2022: (Three Year Old Class) PJ Stuffy Day
December 21, 2022: (Pre-K Class) PJ Stuffy Day
December 22, 2022: (All) Christmas Program (7:00 p.m.)
December 23, 2022 thru January 2, 2023: (All) CLOSED for Christmas Holiday
January 3, 2023: Preschool Resumes (9:00 a.m.)
February 14, 2023: (Three Year Old Class) Valentine's Day Party
February 15, 2023: (Pre-K Class) Valentine's Day Party
March 14, 2023: (Three Year Old Class) St. Patrick's Day Party
March 17, 2023: (Pre-K Class) St. Patrick's Day Party
April, 2023: (Pre-K Class) DeSales Act 3 Field Trip to see "TBD"
April 4, 2023: (Three Year Old Class) Egg Hunt and Easter Party
April 6, 2023: (Pre-K Class) Egg Hunt and Easter Party
April 7–10, 2023: (All) for CLOSED Easter Holiday
May 29, 2023: (Three Year Old Class) CLOSED for Memorial Day
June 6, 2023: (Three Year Old Class) Last Day
June 8, 2023: (Pre-K Class) Last Day
Closing Program (7:00 p.m.)
June 9, 2023: (All) Family Fun Day at the Park (10:00 a.m.)