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May God fill you will his New goodness every day and
may the love of Jesus overflow from you to others throughout the year!
In case of a pastoral emergency,
please contact Pastor Lisa Borrell at 610-838-0731 or email MizLKB@aol.com.
Greetings! Please consider volunteering to make our Worship Service safe and a success. We need you. We have several openings for volunteers. If you know someone who would love to help, and they do not have internet, feel free to give them my contact information. Robin (610-349-2586). Please help!
To Be Determined: Please use the sign-up sheets in the Narthex for volunteer opportunities, i.e., Acolytes, Pastor Assistants (Council Members), Assistant Ministers, Chalisters, Lectors, and Ushers. Thank you.
Servants for Sunday, July 2, 2023
Acolyte: TBA
Altar Guild: Sarah Parente & Barbara Young
Assistant to Pastor: Terry Ravier
Assisting Minister: TBA
Chalister: TBA
Coffee/Fellowship Hour: TBA
Lector: TBA
Technology: NO Live Stream
Usher(s): Rita Frey & Terry Ravier
Saturday, July 1, 2023 ~ Worship Service at 4:30 p.m. AND
Sunday, July 2, 2023 ~ Worship Service at 10:00 a.m. ~ 5th Sunday of Pentecost ~ The welcome of baptism is for all God’s children. This baptismal gift sets us free from the power of sin and death. In today’s gospel, Christ promises that the disciple who gives a cup of cold water to the little ones serves Christ Himself. From worship we are sent on our baptismal mission: to serve the little ones of this world and to be a sign of God’s merciful welcome.
Servants for Sunday, July 9, 2023
Acolyte: TBA
Altar Guild: Janis Hadley & Tina McCardle
Assistant to Pastor: TBA
Coffee/Fellowship Hour: TBA
Lector: Denise Hoffert
Technology: NO Live Stream
Usher(s): Jere & Phyllis Reiss
Sunday, June 9, 2023 ~ Worship Service at 10:00 a.m. ~ 6th Sunday of Pentecost ~ The mystery of God’s ways is sometimes hidden from the wise and intelligent. Jesus associates with those often excluded from the religious community. Like Paul, we struggle with our own selfish desires and seek God’s mercy and forgiveness. We gather to be refreshed by Christ’s invitation: “Come to me, all you that are weary.” Gathered around word, water, and meal, we find rest for our souls.
Servants for Sunday, July 16, 2023
Acolyte: TBA
Altar Guild: Sharon Bender & Tina Young
Assistant to Pastor: Jesse Hart
Coffee/Fellowship Hour: TBA
Lector: Quinette Brucker
Technology: Angie Fulmer
Usher(s): Cindy Hart & Pat Leith
Sunday, July 16, 2023 ~ Worship Service at 10:00 a.m. ~ 7th Sunday of Pentecost ~ God’s word is like the rain that waters the earth and brings forth vegetation. It is also like the sower who scatters seed indiscriminately. Our lives are like seeds sown in the earth. Even from what appears to be little, dormant, or dead, God promises a harvest. At the Lord’s table we are fed with the bread of life, that we may bear fruit in the world.
Servants for Sunday, July 23, 2023
Acolyte: TBA
Altar Guild: Sarah Acker & Kathy Shermetta
Assistant to Pastor: Bill Young
Coffee/Fellowship Hour: NO Coffee Hour
Lector: Sharon Bender
Technology: Bill Young
Usher(s): Gina Grekula & Tina Young
Sunday, July 23, 2023 ~ Worship Service at 10:00 a.m. ~ 8th Sunday of Pentecost ~ It is an age-old question: why is there evil in the world? In the parable of the wheat and the weeds Jesus suggests that both grow together until the harvest. With Paul, we long for the day that all creation will be set free from bondage and suffering. Having both weeds and wheat within us, we humbly place our hope in the promises of God, and from the Lord’s table we go forth to bear the fruit of justice and mercy.
Servants for Sunday, July 30, 2023
Acolyte: TBA
Altar Guild: Sarah Parente & Barbara Young
Assistant to Pastor: Sarah Parente
Coffee/Fellowship Hour: CCL Committee
Lector: Sharon Bender
Technology: Bill Young
Usher(s): Sharon Bender
Sunday, July 30, 2023 ~ Worship Service at 10:00 a.m. ~ 9th Sunday of Pentecost ~ As Solomon prays for wisdom, we seek to more deeply know the treasures of faith. In today’s gospel Jesus offers everyday images that reveal to us the reign of God: a tree that becomes a sheltering home, yeast that penetrates and expands, a treasured pearl, a net that gains a great catch. Even as we seek the riches of God’s reign, the great surprise is that God’s grace finds us first!
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May the beauty of God be reflected in your eyes, the love of God be
reflected in your hands, the wisdom of God be reflected in your words,
and the knowledge of God flow from your heart,
that all might see, and seeing, believe.
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Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present,
nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.
God, the creator, Jesus, the Christ, and the Holy Spirit, the comforter,
bless you and keep you in eternal love.
The members of New Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church wish you a blessed day and we pray that your day is filled with hope, love, peace, and good health!